Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Worth Reading

I love reading. I believe in the power of words. Stories can often move me to tears. As soon as I am done reading something moving and powerful and solid and real, I immediately want to share it with others so they can read it, too. And, maybe, we can even talk about what we've read.

I just finished something well worth reading. I was listening to NPR this morning and heard this reporter, Joanna Connors, being interviewed. Connors just published an account of her rape 20+ years ago and her investigation about its lasting effects on her and her family, and about the man who did it. I went to her paper to read the series, and I while I know this is not a cheerful thing--- the story is really worth reading. Really.

Beyond Rape: A Survivor's Journey by Joanna Connors, Cleveland Plain Dealer

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wow, Sara, thanks for this...not an easy read, but an important one...such a beautiful and insightful writer...I'm speechless...except I do have to say, I'm incensed by the "tips to prevent rape" at the bottom of the second part...sounds like more blame the victim: "well you didn't plant prickly hedges under your windows and why weren't you ready with your car keys when you left the building?"...give me a break!